AdventHealth King Street

AdventHealth King Street

PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP ADVENTHEALTH KING STREET PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build general contractor, parking consultant, and precast concrete manufacturer Formerly Florida Hospital FInish Date No. Stalls No. Levels FINFROCK analyzed three to four...
AdventHealth Winter Park

AdventHealth Winter Park

PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP AdventHealth Winter Park PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build general contractor, parking consultant, and precast concrete manufacturer Formerly Winter Park Memorial Hospital FInish Date No. Stalls No. Levels With home and...
Aliro Apartments

Aliro Apartments

PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP aLIRO APARTMENTS MULTIFAMILY Where Miami views meet luxury living FInish Date No. units No. floors FINFROCK will serve as the architect, structural engineer, precast concrete manufacturer, and general contractor for a $120 million expansion of...
All Children’s Hospital

All Children’s Hospital

PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP ALL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as architect of record, structural engineer, design-build contractor, and parking consultant. FINFROCK met the client’s requirements for the best price per stall FInish Date...
Alta Congress

Alta Congress

PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP ALTA CONGRESS PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build contractor, precast manufacturer, and parking consultant. Meeting the design challenges of the industry FInish Date No. Stalls No. Levels Having already worked with the project...