by Melissa Mitchum | Sep 9, 2020
PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP Miami Dade College PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build general contractor, parking consultant, and precast concrete manufacturer FINFROCK’s ability to meet the client’s needs makes our design-build process superior...
by Melissa Mitchum | Nov 4, 2020
PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP Moffitt mckinley PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build general contractor, parking consultant, and precast concrete manufacturer $1 Million lower than the competition FInish Date No. Stalls No. Levels The challenge presented to...
by Melissa Mitchum | Sep 9, 2020
PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP Morse & Penn PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build general contractor, parking consultant, and precast concrete manufacturer FINFROCK’s services navigate strict controls FInish Date No. Stalls No. Levels FINFROCK...
by Melissa Mitchum | Sep 9, 2020
PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP Nemours Childrens Hospital PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build general contractor, parking consultant, and precast concrete manufacturer A garage design that complements the new hospital with pigmented concrete exterior panels...
by Melissa Mitchum | Sep 9, 2020
PROJECT MENU VIEW ON MAP Netpark tampa bay PARKING GARAGE FINFROCK served as the design-build general contractor, parking consultant, and precast concrete manufacturer FINFROCK’s project delivery system means earlier occupancy FInish Date No. Stalls No. Levels...